Bancos Brasileiros
🇧🇷 🏦 📋 Brazilian commercial banks list
Para a versão em Português (PT_BR) do, siga me por favor.
List of banks
This list contains 400+ registered banks, in the following formats:
- CSV: bancos.csv
- JSON: bancos.json
- Markdown:
- SQL: bancos.sql
- XML: bancos.xml
Available data
Each of the lists has the following information (schema):
Column | Description | Observations |
COMPE | Code - COMPE | 3 digits |
ISPB | Code - ISPB | 8 digits |
Document | Document - CNPJ | 14 numbers - 18 digits (formatted) |
LongName | Long name | According to BACEN - STR |
ShortName | Short name | According to BACEN - STR |
Network | Network | RSFN, Internet, null |
Type | Type | commercial, multiple, savings, null |
PixType | Type of PIX/SPI participant | DRCT - Directly, INDR - Indirectly, null |
Charge | If does charge operations | true, false, null |
CreditDocument | If does TED operations | true, false, null |
LegalCheque | If it belongs to the “Cheque Legal” | true, false |
DetectaFlow | If it belongs to the “Detecta Flow” | true, false |
PCR | If it belongs to the “PCR” | true, false |
PCRP | If it belongs to the “PCRP” | true, false |
SalaryPortability | If does/accept salary portability | “Banco folha e Destinatário” - both operations, “Destinatário” - only receive, null |
Products | List of products offered | In Portuguese only |
Url | Website | - |
DateOperationStarted | Commercial operation start date | - |
DatePixStarted | PIX operation start date | Only for those PSP of SPI |
DateRegistered | Registration date on schema | - |
DateUpdated | Change date on schema | - |
Schemas and classes
A schema file is available in the folder schemas for lists of type:
And classes (DTO - Data Transport Object) in the following languages:
Implementation examples are available in the folder examples. We currently have examples of the following technologies:
If you miss an example in the language, library, or framework, open an issue requesting an example project on the desired technology!
Crates/Cargo - Rust Package Manager
This repository is available at Crates under the name BancosBrasileiros.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
bancos_brasileiros = "0.1.0"
NPM - Node Package Manager
This repository is available at NPM under the name bancos-brasileiros.
Thanks to @RauppRafael for creating and publishing version 1.0.0 on NPM.
npm i bancos-brasileiros
NuGet - Package Manager for .NET
This repository is available at NuGet under the name BancosBrasileiros.
dotnet add package BancosBrasileiros
Packagist - Package Manager for PHP/Composer
This repository is available at Packagist under the name guibranco/bancos-brasileiros
composer require guibranco/bancos-brasileiros
Acronyms and abbreviations
For those unfamiliar with Brazilian financial/regulatory entities:
ABBC | Brazilian Banks Association |
BCB | Central Bank of Brazil (regulatory authority)(also known as BACEN or BC) |
CIP | Interbank Payment Chamber |
CNPJ | National Register of Legal Entities - RFB |
COMPE | Check and Other Papers Compensation System |
CTC | Credit Transfer Center |
CPF | Individual Taxpayer Registry - RFB |
CVM | Securities and Exchange Commission |
FEBRABAN | Brazilian Federation of Banks |
ISPB | SPB identification |
PCPS | Centralized Salary Portability Platform |
PCR | Centralized Receivables Platform |
PIX | Brazilian Instant Payments |
RFB | Federal Revenue Service of Brazil |
RSFN | National Financial System Network |
SFN | National Financial System |
SLC | Card Settlement Service |
SILOC | Deferred Settlement System for Interbank Transfers of Credit Orders |
SITRAF | Funds Transfer System |
SPB | Brazilian Payment System |
SPI | Instant Payment System |
STR | Reserves Transfer System |
The data is automatically updated daily using a tool that collects information from lists of official sources.
If you find any issues with the data, missing database, or outdated data, please open an issue in this repository: New Issue